Ministry to One Another
It is crucial for the Church of Jesus Christ (God’s family of Believers) to gather together so that we might be about our ministry of outreach to the those who need the grace of God for salvation, our mission endeavors in the community, our command to share the Gospel with our Nation and World, and to minister to one another in our local Body.
That latter ministry has two vital parts – both designed to show our progress toward Spiritual maturity. Without a genuine llove for one another (see 1 John 4:7-11), we will not be able to reach the markers God has established.
Two of those markers are found in Ephesians 4:13. The first is unity. There is never going to be another place on Earth where unity can be found except in the Body of Christ. That unity, brought about by a clear and accurate understanding of Truth, and the consistent practice of genuine llove for one another, can only occur because God wills it to be so. Secondly, God’s people progress toward and understanding that we (the Believers) are measured against the ultimate standard, the image of the Savior, God’s only begotten Son who gave His life to redeem us. Our ministry to one another encourages, supports, and fortifies each of us in that journey of conformity to the Son (see Romans 8:29).
Forsaking the ministry we have as Believers toward one another (see Hebrews 10:25) causes us to fail personally, and condemns the Church to less than God’s design.
You, Believer, are God’s tool in the life of others, and those others are a tool in your life, so that we might all be “the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” Ephesians 1:23
One Comment
Thank you for this good reminder, Pastor Weaver! We missed you yesterday, but are glad to read this today!