Thought For The Day

Missed By an Inch

Yesterday (July 13, 2024) former President Trump, and the presumed candidate for President in the next election, missed, if the calibre was right, Heaven or Hell by and inch. Two others, we are told did so. I have no knowledge of President Trump’s relationship to Christ. The issue here is that all of us are moving toward facing the end of this life – and it may be quicker than we plan. Today is the day of Salvation (born again to new life in Christ – Romans 10:9-10, 13) and there is no promise of tomorrow, or even the rest of today.

Now is the time to search your innermost being and see where you are with the Truth which offers eternal life – or eternal death which the Scripture describes as a “Lake of Fire.” Some one is near you who knows and understands what you must know and understand to live forever in the Kingdom of Light – often called Heaven. It is important – You may be only an inch, or a moment, away from meeting God Himself face to face! Seek the Truth – and do it now!

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