Missed It – Again!
Our motto ought to be – “I’d rather be dead, than considered a ‘prejudiced’ person.” The reality is, almost everyone is prejudiced in relationship to some things. I don’t like getting close to persons who haven’t bathed in a few weeks, or people who are drunk to the point their stomach contents are on their clothing (sorry for that image). I have a bias against such people, pure and simple.
We had better get past this politically incorrect business of “profiling.” We have yet to have a grandma bring down a plane or blow up buildings. We have not seen business men, who travel for a living, hijacking airplanes and causing them to be crashed into buildings. Treating everyone who flies as if everyone one of them is a terrorist (have you flown lately?) is just plain silly, a waste of time and money, and foolishness to the max.
And, our leaders need to stop trying to cover up their failures. The three top people who are supposed to be protecting us in these matters, want us to think they managed to stop this “attempted” act of terrorism. This was not an “attempted” act. This act was carried out to it’s full extent. We can only thank GOD that the “bomb” did not explode.
“President Barack Obama has demanded a preliminary report by Thursday from U.S. security authorities on what went wrong in the Detroit airliner case. Obama said the intelligence community should have been able to piece together information that would have raised “red flags” and possibly prevented Abdulmutallab from boarding the airliner.” (Mike Corder in an AP story)
Really? Ya’ think? Millions of people “screened” over the past few years, and we missed the only one with a bomb?
Do I sound angry. I hope so. My kids are flying this Holiday. My friends are traveling across the country every day. I plan a trip or two this year. I would be calling for the resignation of the Police Chief in our little town if every time there were a burglary, or an assault, she called in every person in the town for questioning. She (as is the case in my town) is smart enough to sift through the evidence and limit her search to those who are most likely to have participated in the event based on credible factors.
I am as prepared for Heaven as anyone can get. I prefer to enter there from the seat of my tractor surveying the beauty of God’s creation — not from 30,000 feet over the ocean, or worse yet, over Detroit.