Thought For The Day

On Death and Dying

No one really wants to talk about death and dying. . .until someone close to them moves from this life to the next – and some, not even then. As I walked and talked with my friend this week about the death of a family member, I was reminded that most people live as if they will be on Earth forever.

When we are young and in good health, death is far from our mind. As we grow older, and the realities of age begin to slip into our awareness, we get a glimpse of what is to come, but quickly put it away in that box labeled “for a later time.” Unfortunately, that “later time” tends to arrive more quickly than we would anticipate and we have a tendency to continue to ignore the fact that life, as we know it, will end. I would suggest to you that when you are healthy in mind and body, it is time to prepare for the end of life here on Earth. I say that because the length is never known, and the end here – is not the end. The most important decision one will ever make is in relationship to “the life to follow.” Where will you spend eternity? Jesus Christ offers redemption from the curse of physical death and eternal separation from God. Explore that fully. . .NOW.

Now is also a good time to focus on those who will remain behind. A Last Will and Testament, a Living Will (medical purposes) perhaps,  instructions on how your life is to be honored, and who will take responsibility for decisions, when you are gone. If you have a Pastor (and you should), he will be invaluable.

Understand and settle the issues that accompany death. A Mortician, a Funeral Home, a Cremation provider, can provide information on those things which are mandatory, provide what you need, and take care of required disposition. It is expensive, but it will never be less so as time goes by. Do it now. Don’t leave it to those who mourn. They will be broken hearted, and you will ease their suffering when you have prepared.

I have walked with many through these distressing, difficult times. Heed my counsel. Those who llove you, will cherish you forever. Do the “heavy lifting” for them. . .now.

One Comment

  • Dave Cleveland

    Since we’re on this subject; I’ve recently found some Biblical purpose for those “Waiting to Pass” places. (Nursing Homes). Refer to Psalm 71 beginning verse 8, Constant praise and acclimation of God’s merciful plan for Man.

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