Thought For The Day

One Day. . . More or Less

You may be reading this on Monday, November 7, one day away from the National election of a President-Elect for the United States of America. I have been through several, and this one seems to me to be the most historic.

If you haven’t voted yet. . .pray. If you have already voted. . .pray. While I am absolutely, unalterably convinced that whoever comes to power in the days ahead, it will all be confined to the “will of God.” That doesn’t leave me without concerns about what the Church will experience during the coming four years. . .or more.

I am concerned about the future for my family here on this Earth. Should there be more time here, prior to the New Heaven and the New Earth, what will my wife, my kids, my grandkids, etc., have to live through based on this election alone? For example: Will they suffer through the understanding that the Judicial branch, i.e. the Supreme Court, will do nothing (as will the other branches of Government) regarding the horrific murder of million of the most innocent among us? Will they watch our Constitutional rights and freedoms continue to erode through “political correctness,” and will we lose our final resource against a Government no longer “of, by, and for the people?” Will we have greater struggles which develop out of ignorance regarding the workings of Nations with Nations? Will we move closer toward isolationist thinking and find our cost of living rising beyond the means of so many?

I am concerned about the Church of Jesus Christ. We have lost so much power through the apathy and indifference of millions of Believers. Perhaps our new political leadership will weaken the influence of God’s people even more in favor of godless living and rampant sinfulness.

Judgment is at the door. As Believers, as a Nation, as a society, we stand on the brink of an abyss that could leave us in any number of places that are finally unacceptable to God.

Because of the reality that you are a GENUINE Believer, there is no room for fear. God will never leave us or forsake us. What we will endure may be what Believers have endured in the past. Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you whoever you go. (Joshua 1:9)


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