Pay Close Attention
I am writing this post on Tuesday afternoon and by the time you read it the annual State of the Union Speech for 2015 will be over. I am going to assume that the “news” folks and political pundits have the content correct. There is at least one thing you need to pay close attention to.
The Administration will ask for tax increases on the rich so that they can give more “grants” (of various sorts) to the poor (often mistakenly called the “middle class”). It is nothing new – this redistribution of wealth. It has been tried over and over again. It doesn’t work, and it never will. Jesus of Nazareth, some 2000 years ago, said that the poor will always be among us. There is a variety of reasons why that is true and always will be. The rich will always get richer, and the poor will always get poorer. Even where socialism is the chosen form of Government, there are the very rich, the rich, the poor, and the very poor. In the middle are those who are working their lives away supporting the ultimate failure of that economic system.
I don’t want to be “too” political, but let me remind you of one absolute truth. If the Government can take from the “rich,” they can, and will, at some point in time, have to take from the “middle class” as well. It’s a matter of understanding that when people are given a “free pass” in relationship to being contributory in supporting the free market system, that group of people will grow exponentially. We will be told that the “economy” is in recovery. For example, most of us are very happy that gasoline prices are low and getting lower. But. . .people in the gasoline production business (all up and down the line) are really starting to suffer with job losses and difficulties staying in the game. It’s the nature of a free market economy. It is my firm belief that our economy is moving more quickly than we can imagine toward complete and total collapse. That will not come up in tonight’s SOTU speech. It may very well be part of God’s judgment on our Nation. God is not mocked, whatever we sow is that which we will reap. (See Galatians 6:7) That’s the TRUTH!
Amen and thankfully we can trust our God.
I am from the government and I am here to help you.