Pot World
Our society is overrun with apathy and indifference toward politics, religion, academic achievement, and Christianity. Add to that equation an ever increasing number of “pot heads” and, well, the tube grows slicker and faster day by day.
As Colorado prepares to be the first in the nation to allow recreational pot sales, opening Jan. 1, hopeful retailers are investing their fortunes into the legal recreational pot world. (Yahoo News)
Colorado has allowed personally grown “pot” use for over a year now, but this is the beginning of retail sales outlets. I imagine there will be so much profit and resulting taxes that other States will soon jump on the “reefer” bandwagon. The result will undoubtedly be greater apathy and indifference on the part of those who find themselves caught in the cycle of drug use.
Obviously no one knows how much speed will be garnered for the journey to National collapse. But, little or lots, it can’t help but accelerate the expedition of our society, the odyssey of our National will, toward despair and destruction. We, that is those of us who still have some concerns about “our once great America,” have known this slippery slope was being greased by those whose only interest is money and self-gratification. Scripture has warned us with every reading that the Enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy. So many of us have chosen to dull the sword, constrain the Truth, and blend the Church neatly into mankind’s fallen nature, that there is little hope left – short of Christ’s return for His Bride.
That old “war-time” adage has come home to roost – “if you got ’em, smoke ’em.”