Prejudice and Bias
I suppose almost everyone would say they would prefer no accusation of prejudice and bias be lodged against them. Rather, we prefer our thinking be characterized using one or more of the antonyms available, e.g. fair, tolerant, or impartial. In an argument in U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City, Utah, attorney Peggy Tomsic said, in support of her argument regarding same-sex marriage, Utah’s law is “based on prejudice and bias that is religiously grounded in this state.” (Associated Press)
I think every law on the books that deals with morality is, in one form or another, based on the Truth of God’s Word. I don’t know any other source for laws. Our laws condemn murder not because we are smarter than the animals around us, but because we have the law of God written on our hearts. Our laws condemn stealing, lying, cheating, adultery, etc., because we are people of conscience (at least until one get one’s conscience to a position of being unable to discern God’s law).
Two thirds of the voters in Utah have said “no” to same sex marriage. Of course the LGBT agenda will never stop (until the end of the Age) attempting to completely undermine the morality of our society, but how foolish is it to make such a statement as Ms. Tomsic’s? Of course Utah’s law is bias. Evidently most of the people in that State recognize that law based on Truth is superior to law based on personal whim and foolish (meaning that practiced by fools) living.
I for one stand guilty as charged. I am prejudiced, bias, intolerant, and will stand for Truth, just as did my Savior whose birth I celebrate this month. My Father expected that of Him and he expects that of me.