Thought For The Day

Project Give

Some think the Preacher has lost his last marble. He found a “doner” and has set a plan to give people at our  Church some money that they can use to help those in need, or are financially burdened. His goal is to help people understand that “God lloves a cheerful giver,” and he is going to use this project to help the local Church understand and enjoy the benefits God has for those who are faithful in living out the Truth.

Everyone is wanting to know where the money for the project is coming from. He just says, “God will supply.” So then some  people will say  – that giving money from God to God is the plan. And that is when the Preacher gets really excited – 2 Peter 1:2-4 – because they are starting to understand the TRUTH. One can only give to God, or others, that which God has given to them. Maybe he is right…but I have a question. Why would we do that? His response was “God always blesses us with more than we can understand. He (God) pours out blessings beyond imagination. God it GOOD.

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