Thought For The Day


Down on the farm we have not had any measurable rain since about May. At 6:15 this morning a lightening strike and a clap of thunder awoke me, and fifteen minutes later the rain came. Lots of it, and at last check (now evening) it is still coming. The weatherman is talking about 6-8 inches and we are well on the way. I couldn’t be happier – about the rain.

I believe the Spirit of God is like the rain (pay attention – this is not a theology lesson). We (Believers) go a long time without a real sense of the Spirit working within us, drawing us close to the Father, interpreting the Truth for our minds and hearts, and leading us toward the kind of ministry that encourages and builds others as it edifies us as individuals.

Then something happens – a time of  concentrated prayer, an inspired message at Church (aren’t they all?) or some fantastic musical presentation (you should hear my friend “DM” or “AF” sing) fills us with the wonder of God’s presence in us, and we are reminded of where we are designed to live every day.

I hope and pray, in your life, those in-between days without – are short lived, and the great wonder of intimacy with God is frequent and lasting.

I am confident there are those who live constantly in the rain. But most of the people I know experience times of drought. Know the rain will come, and in abundance when we are prepared  and open. It is God’s will for us as much as the rains from Heaven that water the Earth.


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