This may not be the forum you check to make decisions regarding life’s issues, but I want to recommend two things to you.
First, a pro-life bill in the Texas Legislature deserves your support. Let your representative know if you can do so. Here are the facts: “Governor Rick Perry is supporting the bill (SB 182/HB 36) and will sign it if it passes. Joe Pojman of Texas Alliance for Life says the measure is one more step to convince a woman or young girl not to have an a abortion. ‘It would require any physician in an abortion facility to show a woman the ultrasound image of her unborn child and to let her listen to the heartbeat of that child,’ he explains.”
Secondly, while there is much debate over whether the caskets containing the remains of military personnel returning from the field should be viewed by the public, I believe we need to see clearly the cost of freedom. While some may make use of such video to turn Americans against the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, we must be reminded frequently that there is a high price to be paid if we are to remain the most free Nation on Earth. Hence, I recommend you see a new HBO (made for TV) movie entitled “Taking Chance.” It is the story of a young Marine’s remains being returned to his family. It may be one of the most emotionally moving depictions of reality I have ever seen. Every American needs to be reminded – Freedom isn’t Free!