Thought For The Day

Remembering Chicken Little

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

And if that isn’t enough to get you excited – here’s more:

Sea levels are rising faster than they have been in the last two millennia, new research shows. The swelling seas match up well with historical temperature data, suggesting the warmer it is, the more the sea level rises. (Live Science)

The aliens are coming! The Sun is getting hotter! Climate change is creating “freak” storms!  Space junk is proliferating and slamming into Earth! The Aliens are coming! The economy is collapsing! (Actually that part might be true)

So here’s my cry. . .God is still on the throne! God is still Lord of Heaven and Earth!

So. . .give it a rest, will ‘ya. We’ve got bigger fish to fry (notwithstanding the deepening sea waters)! Spread the Good News, Jesus is alive and giving grace to all who will receive. And just think – even if we don’t get to Heaven right away, some of us will have new ocean front property.

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