There is much talk about responsibility – and how to “take it.” While there is a percentage of folks who are willing and do, for most it is just talk and little more.
Politicians say they will take responsibility for “fixing” our National financial woes. I would wager they will figure a way to “fix it” so that the people who have to deal with it have yet to be born. Which is not to say that taxes won’t be going up. Republicans have made a “no tax hike” pledge – but. . .
“I will violate the pledge,” said South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham Sunday during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week.” In return, he added, Democrats must agree to overhauling federal programs like Social Security and Medicare. (Yahoo News)
Getting Believers to take responsibility for their actions regarding the folks around them is often iffy as well. Not only does the Scripture call us to a responsibility of ministry toward other Believers, we also have a responsibility for those around us who are ambivalent, or uninterested, and even hostile. Talk is cheap (maybe I should say – inexpensive) but action demands commitment, perseverance, and a clear understanding of what we are to accomplish.
By the way, we (read: Believers) are infinitely empowered for our task – unlike politicians who are mired in. . .well, let’s just say, the “hallowed halls of Congress.”