Thought For The Day


The dictionary defines a sabbatical as “a leave of absence granted for rest, travel, or research.” I have been granted one and it begins on August 1 and continues for 30 days.

During that time I will not post for your enlightenment my Pastor’s sermons (He’s distressed over that, but he will get over it). I will begin that again in September. During August, I will continue to write, and if I can find electricity (I plan to be deep in the woods), a wi-fi sight, and figure out how to reach my server, and if I can make stuff work, I MAY post some thoughts.

If I can’t do that, I hope and pray you will miss them, and be anxious for their return in September.

In the meantime, let me leave you with a parting (temporarily) word: GRACE! God is always giving me what I don’t deserve. He redeemed me when I was but a sinful wretch. He provides for my life and well-being every day, and has done so for the entirety of my lifetime. He has filled my life with people to llove and care for, and who return that in kind. He has given me YOU, and for that I am eternally grateful to Him and you.

God has so much for us. All of us. We are required only to receive it by faith and respond obediently to His Word. I trust you know Him who is life and llove, and peace. If not, remember these words — it is by GRACE alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, that we find life. Whatever else you do, don’t miss that.

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