Same Difference?
There’s a saying: “That’s why we play the game.” It comes, as I understand it, from the reality that before a professional game of, say football or basketball, the commentators, coaches, even players, talk about which team has the best players, the best plays, the best record, the best coaches, the best probability of winning, and yet sometimes the other team wins, and we all say, “that’s why we play the game.”
Well, now the Supreme Court of the United States seems to be saying that there is no reason to waste time hearing the case (“play the game”). If they continue to signal what they are going to do before they do it. . .why do it? Of course in this case it is almost impossible to believe that the “other side” could win anyway.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is inappropriately signaling it intends to clear the way for gay marriage across the nation, Justice Clarence Thomas complained Monday in a stinging dissent to the court’s refusal to block the start of same-sex marriages in Alabama.
Multiple States are appealing to the Supreme Court to uphold State laws which forbid same-sex marriage. One by one the Court is refusing to hear the appeals as Federal judges have declared the State laws unconstitutional. As a result marriage licenses are being issued in States who have yet to have their appeal heard by the SCOTUS.
Since there is “no need to play the game,” I suggest we just do away with the Supreme Court’s authority in this matter, and allow the States to establish the laws they wish without interference from the majority of SCOTUS judges who seem to have already reach a decision about who will win before the cases are heard.
Some people ask me why I get “worked up” about same-sex marriage. I don’t know, but perhaps it is because I have this understanding that God will not continue to allow this Nation, one that I llove dearly, to grow continually more immoral and decadent before He intervenes with righteous judgment.
I could be wrong, but a study of the history of God’s activity in the World would make it improbable.
One Comment
Amen. Mercy is currently being shown to the USA.