Say It Isn’t So
We have a wonderful old man who Pastors our Church. Retirement has eluded him for a while – even though he has been eligible for a looooong time.
He always thought he would become a Walmart greeter (if they take them that old), but now, the horizon has darkened. in an online story says the greeters are going away.
This change has been coming for some time. Walmart got rid of night-shift greeters several months ago. Now greeters are being removed during all shifts. Some think it’s only a matter of time before these older workers are let go.
Say it isn’t so. I don’t know how to break the news to him. I am pretty sure we will be “promoting” him soon (read: ASAP) to a life of greater leisure (we were thinking that maybe “begging him” to expand his ministry to Walmart was a tack we could take).
Now everything is “iffy.” It’s getting to the point where only God will want him. And He does, you know. He bought him and paid for him with the blood of our Savior. He will take him in with joy. . .even if WalMart won’t.