Thought For The Day

Signs and Such

Unfortunately, I drive a lot going to places I need to be for one reason or the other. Lately (and perhaps it is my imagination) I have seen those bright “orange” work signs – you know the ones – Road Work Ahead; Detour; Right Lane Closed Ahead; etc. – well you must have seen them somewhere – and sooner (or later) you realize that the road is wide open, and there is no roadwork occurring in that area. Perhaps the Department of signs has a full warehouse and so they are stashing their signs along the roadways. Actually I am pleased when I realize that I am not going to be delayed (except for people changing lanes, slamming on the brakes, and looking for a chance to “get off” the roadway) as I often am with construction EVERYWHERE.

It reminds me that the Enemy has a lot of distracting “signs” that cause the Redeemed a bit of panic until we realize that he has no power to obstruct us from our destination of Spiritual Maturity. True, we get caught up in “traffic” that is snarled because the “signs” are misleading and distracting, but evil has no power over those who are allowing the Spirit of God to lead, guide, and direct on the journey through this life.

Next time you see a “road sign” while driving that indicates a problem ahead, be careful. It could me true. But when the Enemy’s sign indicates, for example, you should “Avoid the Church Ahead” or “A Few Margaritas Won’t Impair You,” just lean on the Spirit of God in you (see Romans 8:9) and hit the gas for freedom from the things of this World. If “his” sign says “Detour Ahead,” don’t! It is the path to destruction and despair – and you don’t have to go there!

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