Snakes Alive!
People who don’t believe the Bible is the Word of God, thereby failing to embrace the Gospel of Salvation through faith in Christ are doomed to spend eternity separated from God.
People who twist and turn the Scripture, even though they may be Believers, are guilty of turning others away from the Truth of Scripture. It would be wise to recognize that this second group of folks are always in danger of losing their life on this Earth to their ignorance of Truth.
A Kentucky preacher famous for handling snakes during religious services, has died after being bitten by a poisonous snake at his church. Jamie Coots was bitten at his church in Middlesboro, Ky., and died after Coots refused to go to the hospital for further treatment, according to police. The Middlesboro Police said they believed Coots was 42 years old. Coots was the star of National Geographic’s “Snake Salvation” reality series, which followed the 42-year-old as he worked to preserve his way of religious way of life at his church, the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name. (ABC News)
While there are no circumstances under which God is unable to maintain or restore life, He is under no obligation to do so. Ignorance can bring about death as “fast as a speeding bullet.”
Pray for folks who are misled by ignorant men. Sometimes it costs them life itself.