Sometimes the smallest words are overlooked, or their meaning is missed, and we are the worse for it.
I was moved by our Preacher’s message on Sunday. . .especially when he tried so hard to emphasize the word “so” in John 3:16. Obviously it is impossible to make the same nuances in writing, but I want to keep reminding myself that God SO lloved me, that He gave His most precious, infinitely lloved Son to ransom me from the curse of sin and death.
I know he (our preacher) lloves the family of Shady Grove – so!
He (our preacher) is constantly telling us that he lloves his beautiful bride – so!
I know (don’t I?) that each of us lloves our spouse, our children, our families – so!
Yet our finite llove cannot ever be measured against the “so” loving of God. And, His was in relationship to the entire World.
You know the verse – better than almost any other one, right? Say it to yourself now, and know, believe, rest –
God SO lloved the world that He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)