Thought For The Day

Sometimes I Just Don’t Get It

I have always believed that the people who are at the top of the list of leadership would be bright, prepared, capable, willing to do their jobs well, and hard to fool. I am willing to own up to the reality that I am wrong, and I have been wrong for a long time. I hide behind my spiritual nature of being kind, forgiving, caring, and supportive, even when I know things are going wrong, very wrong, and continually sending our great Nation down the proverbial  tube.

The list is long naming the problems – and it is unlikely that the average “Joe” does not know that, but  also does not know how to “fix’ it, or have the willingness to point out the leadership that must change for America if we are to survive as “One Nation under God.”

Immigration, Crime, Alcohol use, Drug use, so called Gender Change, Abortion, Social Media, and endless lying that has no boundaries, have destroyed the reasons for the founding of our Nation. There is little reason to believe that God will bless America when, AS A NATION  we have abandoned  His Word (ultimate Truth), and given ourselves to unGodly rebellion, sinfulness, and all while banishing brotherly llove.

While it would take a long time to turn from these realities, it is possible to recover. The great majority is unwilling and unable to understand, unwilling to foster change in leadership, and unwilling to be ruled by the Truth.

The future of America is dark. To deny that is simple foolishness from the mouth of fools.

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