Thought For The Day

Speaking of Change

The Presidential race has come to Texas. I haven’t seen any McCain or Huckabee ads yet, but the airwaves are thick with Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton.

The one thing they say they are going to do is “change” things. I’m not sure how they will accomplish that, but I wish them Godspeed with it. There are a couple of things I would like changed.

I would like for US to change our focus on “me, me, me,” to “what can I do for other folks.” I’ve learned over the years that the people who focus their attention on ministry to others find their own lives enriched beyond measure.

I would like US to change our National obsession for immoral entertainment to an obsession for the things of God. I’ve learned that a focus on following Him though obedience to His revealed Word brings so many good things to my life that I don’t need to be entertained by the World at all — especially at meetings of the Church.

I’d be willing to wager those changes are not on the agenda. Too bad! Just those two would change our society for the better beyond our wildest dreams.

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