Thought For The Day

Still At It

With the economy collapsing around them, the children of Washington, D. C, and New York’s Wall Street continue to bicker with each other rather than focus on repairing the damage before the dam bursts drowning most of us in red ink.

David Graham in The Daily Beast quotes Stanford economist John Taylor: “Since when did different views or assumptions about the future become a math error?” Taylor wrote on his blog. “There are of course reasons to dispute the downgrade decision of S&P, but a math error is not one of them. It would be more productive for government officials to move on and to use their time to find ways to reform taxes or entitlements [and] fix the exploding debt problem.”

It reminds me of various factions of the Church who spend inordinate amounts of time arguing over whether to use the King James Version of the Scripture versus the Holman Christian Standard version, or whether one could more effectively pray while kneeling, standing, or lying on one’s face, while never taking time to become obedient to the Truth revealed in God’s Word or utilizing one’s time for diligent, fervent prayer.

The United States of America is in trouble! The Church of Jesus Christ is in many places weak and ineffective and failing to live in the power of the risen Christ. I don’t really know if “Nero fiddled while Rome burned,” but I do know the political leaders of this Country are fiddling us to the “poorhouse,” and the Church of Jesus Christ, at least in part, is fiddling around outside the full presence (read: our personal yielding) and power of God’s Spirit.

Something has got to change!


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