Thought For The Day

Stop the Eating? No Way!!

As if there were a need for reasons to stop attending Church, now we are being told that it will make one fat. I don’t think I know anyone who “wants” to be fat. I know a lot of folks, however, who would probably choose thin over another hour of preaching.

I was intrigued by this quote from an article in Healthland by Alice Pool:

Religious groups and organizations are pretty well suited to enact health interventions for diet and exercise in a pretty efficient and effective manner. They have a natural built-in support and follow up system which is extremely important in creating sustainable lifestyle changes.
The Church I attend has an operation called the “Shady Grove Athletic Club” which is an activity which involves walking, running, and other things on occasion. I think that is a pretty good idea. People who are overweight can find some healthy exercise, and those in good shape can get in better physical condition – and there is a huge dose of “fellowship” that evolves as the exercise progresses.
What I can’t imagine is our Pastor (who is a little overweight) cutting back on those “last Wednesday of the month Church dinners.” I can’t see him leading the charge to eliminate “punch and cookies” after Church, “homemade ice-cream” events, the cessation of the “chili-cook off,” or that incredibly wonderful men’s event called “ribs and snickers.”
Church won’t make you fat – or spiritual either, unless you choose for that to happen. My suggestion is that you attend Church more often – including the activities that are designed to help you be more physically healthy – and have only two ribs and half a Snickers. Learn how to be hungry for the Word of God rather than for that second slice of Pecan Pie. That should do the trick.
What this Country needs, I guess, is more hungry Believers. Heaven knows there are plenty in other Countries.

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