Thought For The Day

Terminal Pay?

There is a lot of talk right now regarding the financial mess School Districts are in. Some of it, or more, may be their own fault, but it appears they are getting squeezed by the State, which is being squeezed by the Feds, who are getting squeezed by their absolute incompetence (mostly).

“We must make tough decisions on what we can realistically afford to do,” Superintendent Melody Johnson said in a video message to staff Monday. One of the most difficult discussions will be on terminal pay, Johnson said in her message. Terminal pay is essentially a one-time payout to qualifying employees who retire.

I like school teachers (I am crazy about one of them).  But I have a question. What is this “terminal” pay? Is it pay for sick days they have accrued and not used over the course of their employment? Give them the money! Is it pay that has been set aside from their checks – sorta like a future bonus? Give them the money! If it is a part of a “retirement buy-out” where they are paid to retire early, give them the money!

If it is incentive money to “retire” or “resign”  before a certain date so that the District can plan effectively – “let them eat cake.” Set a date each year for employees to announce that they will not return for the following year on their contract. If they go past that date, and subsequently retire or resign, DOCK their pay or lift their certification. There would be exceptions, of course. Surely we are wise enough to know who should be allowed to fall into that category.
We operate as if it is the kids running the system instead of intelligent, thoughtful, practical, wise, competent adults.  Evidently there is no money for foolishness, so let’s stop moving in that direction.
Perhaps you wondering why this is any of my business. Well, the Public Schools of Texas belong to the people of Texas and more especially those who pay for them. Wanna see my tax bill?
The major issue with this whole subject area is that our Nation is losing its collective mind. We have departed from TRUTH, believed a lie that is destroying each part of our society. Professing to be wise we have become fools and not only do we do foolish things, we approve of others who practice foolishness. It has to stop!

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