That’s When, Exactly?
I am going to become a regular at Church just as soon as the kids stop playing soccer on Sunday.
I am going to start tithing just as soon as we get these credit cards paid off.
I am going to begin earnest Bible study as soon as I finish this course on buying foreclosed real estate.
I will be joining you in Wednesday evening prayer meeting when this current PBS series on “Great Fish of the World’s Oceans” ends.
Here’s the latest one of these things: Associated Press – WASHINGTON – To a public wary of government spending, President-elect Barack Obama is offering a salve with his massive economic stimulus package: the promise of long-term fiscal discipline.
So – Government is going to spend over one trillion dollars of your money right now, but you can rest assured that after that they are going to tighten up, practice restraint, balance the budget, forever end legislation filled with “pork,” practice sound management of resources, and return what they have taken from you in confiscatory taxes.
That sounds to me a lot like the preacher saying he is going to provide shorter sermons!