The End is Near
Do you remember seeing signs which read, “The end is near,” being carried down the street in earlier days? I do. I always figured the person carrying that sign thought he/she knew something no one else did, or was being paid to carry the sign by someone else who knew something. As I look back today, I am wondering if the sign meant something other than what we thought.
My assumption (and I thought everyone else agreed) was that the sign spoke of the end of the World. Perhaps it was not that at all. Maybe those sign carriers saw what we are now seeing more and more clearly. The United States of America is becoming, in my opinion, an entity entirely foreign to my hopes and dreams, not only for myself, but for my kids and grandkids, and so on for whatever time remains.
What I am seeing is more than scary. It is starting to keep me awake at night. Hard work to produce a comfortable life is no longer valued as a standard for our Nation. It has been replaced in large part by “something for nothing.” Right has become wrong, and wrong is the new mandatory right. Leadership, from the Pulpit to the Legislature, is becoming more rare than the proverbial unicorn. Drugs are good. Prayer is bad. Truth is unknowable. Ignorance is celebrated. Love is free. Discipline is passé. The Rule of Law is overwhelmed. Individual bias is King.
From a long article on the fight for the sanctity of marriage vs. the homosexual agenda in Nevada, I read this quote from a State Official:
“I think it will send a powerful message to the court that no Nevada official is willing to defend the ban any longer.” (Associated Press) No one to defend the Law. How sad. This morning listening to the radio, as the commentator expressed the News that the Employer mandate in the Affordable Care Act was being postponed for another year (a clear violation of the Law passed by Congress), and the President of the United States was asked about his “making the change,” I heard him reply, “I am the President. I can do whatever I want.” No one yet, as far as I know, from Congress has arisen to proclaim that such is against the law and a violation of the pledge to uphold the Constitution and laws of these United States.
Perhaps the sign carrier had a message that was absolutely right. “The End Is Near.” We never thought it was the end of our Nation and the Republic which has served us so well. We never thought it was the end of “one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
This is a sad, sad time in the history of our America.