The Greatest Minds
“For one week, some of the greatest minds in their fields will gather in Chicago
to discuss, create and promote innovation on a variety of topics ranging from
technology to sports. The event, co-founded by TIME, will feature talks by President Bill Clinton, Michelle Rhee, Suze Orman, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and over 100 other people.” (
Being one of the “greatest minds” in one’s field must be an awesome responsibility. After all, won’t everyone be listening? Won’t everyone want to take action regarding the brilliant ideas that are sure to come from such intellect?
Perhaps the real issue is knowing exactly what a “great mind” is. Of course those of us who can read and understand know that there is a vast difference between the World’s intellectualism and genuine wisdom, and that real “wisdom comes from understanding what the Lord’s will is.” (Ephesians 5:17)
Somehow the “less intellectual” side of me keeps hearing that comment from the Apostle Paul (maybe the greatest mind in his field), “Claiming to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images. . .” (Romans 1:22-23)
I wish I knew who the “over 100 other” people were. I’d like to know if we will gain any real “wisdom” from this event. I don’t mean to sound pessimistic, but I doubt it.