The Journey
Mark 13:34 says, It is like a man on a journey, who left his house, gave authority to his slaves, gave each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to be alert.
Let me share with you with this thought. Our Savior is on His journey, and soon, I believe, He will return for his people. It will be a difficult time for many. Some will be disappointed because they are caught up in the affairs of this life and will not want to leave. Some will be found failing to be alert, reluctant to watch and wait, and refusing to carry on the ministry to which they have been called. There will be those who are yet immature in their beliefs, lacking knowledge of Truth, and falling short of the Master’s expectations because they have chosen to focus on lesser things. Some will discover that although they walked through the baptismal water and signed up for Bible Study class, they are missing saving faith and will be left behind.
There are those who actually think the Savior’s journey will never end. Convinced He will not come in their lifetime, and betting on His last-minute forgiveness, they saunter through life with a careless attitude. They have avoided lloving the family of believers, never grasped the reality of His supernatural Spirit gifting and empowering them, and found the work of the Church to be dull and boring. They have walked through life with a deaf ear toward God, and the result has been a wasted and confused journey full of uncertainty and disillusionment.
Please, be reminded, the Savior will soon return from His journey. He will take up the Church. He will pass judgment on us all. He will separate the wheat from the tares, and we will receive the just recompense of our faith.
Maybe it’s time to wake up, work hard, give your best, seize the Light, believe with all your heart, and work while there is still time.