Thought For The Day

Time Is Now Fleeting. . .

With the report today of the home going of one of my longtime friends, I am reminded of words from that great Hymn “Softly and Tenderly.” It was written by Will Lamartine Thompson (1847-1909) who was a composer of gospel, secular, and patriotic songs.  The words that come to mind are these from verse three –

“Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing,
Passing from you and from me;
Shadows are gathering, deathbeds are coming,
Coming for you and for me.” 

The man who died was a Deacon in the first Church I was allowed by God to Pastor so long ago. He was a wonderful man – kind, gentle, generous to a fault, and a man one could admire in so many ways. He and his sweet wife have sent us a Christmas card every year since we and they left that place for those to which God moved us. He was a salesman of products for handling and cutting steel then – and later a teacher in High School, and ultimately, a Professor in two different Colleges.

I have not seen him in a lot of years – but I have never forgotten him or his family.

Time is fleeting! The moments of our life are quick and subject to end at any point in time. Scripture is clear that all of us face the reality of death. We don’t talk about it much. Maybe that is a good thing. . .or maybe we need to. . .more. One thing is for sure, absolute, certain, time is fleeting, moments are passing, we are closer today than yesterday, Yes, he was about my age (two years older), but God has a timetable and it is not based on age. I just wanted to remind you. . .when you have read this through, more time will be past and the future will be closer.”Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling” – if you are yet unredeemed, “shadows are gathering.”  Let me know. . .or a Believer near you. . . if you are not ready. There is eternal life available in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.”


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