Time To Pay the Piper
I am sure you are familiar with the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. It is a narrative not unlike the financial operation of our Government.
To one degree or another, it may be time to pay up.
A new poll from the Pew Research Center finds that 51 percent of Americans don’t believe a deal will reached between President Obama and Republicans in Congress regarding the so-called “fiscal cliff.” 68 percent of Americans said that they believe that going over the cliff will have a major effect on the U.S. economy. (ABC News) (Editor’s Note: Guess what? So will “not” going over the “cliff.”)
This “cliff” will trigger spending cuts. It will also raise taxes. Isn’t that what we have understood from the beginning that this “season of profligate spending” would bring? Of course no one wants to pay now. Surely we can “kick this can down the road” until it’s our grand-children’s who will have to pay.
Fortunately, or not, depending on your relationship with Jesus Christ, there is coming a time to “pay” for one’s profligate life. Either Christ has paid, or you will get to pay – in the end. Spending financial resources one does not possess or have opportunity to obtain brings financial ruin (See the U. S. economy). Sin has wages – and they are spiritual death. Soon – very soon, unless the debt to sin has been obliterated by the Savior, it will be time to pay.