Thought For The Day

Tolerance Again?

Everyone seems to want to promote tolerance – except those who are tired of tolerating those pesky American Citizens who want to be free of the suffocating blanket of sinful behaviors that have descended on our beloved Country.

Michele Bachmann said this week, “Religious liberties and the protection of our religious liberties is right,” she said. “Right now, there’s a terrible intolerance afoot in the United States, and it’s against people who hold sincerely held religious beliefs.”

I know of no one, ever, who was less well tolerated than our Savior. Of course, I know of no one who was more intolerant than He. His message was clear – “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6) That is very narrow.

I don’t mind a little intolerance. Helps me know exactly who I am.

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