Basketball trades are in full swing. I can’t imagine how a General Manager, or Coach, or Owner makes the decision to carry out a particular trade, especially when the person being traded has been such a valuable member of the team.
I suppose “blowing up” a team and restructuring is of benefit, since every team seems to do it. However, I would think that keeping guys together for multiple years would be the best route. Guess that is why I am not involved in the NBA.
Have you ever wondered how you would fare if Churches traded members? Oh, I know we do because of a zillion reasons, but what if it were by design. What could your current team get in exchange for you? Could they get a number one pick in the Deacon Council, or two tithers and a teacher? Maybe they could get a preacher “to be named later.” (My personal favorite – kind of like a “pig in a poke”)
I guess I would always want to be the “franchise” player. I would want to be the guy who worked so hard, lloved so much, gave so generously of my time, talent, and resources, that my team would never consider letting me go.
While I have not yet reached that goal, I will continue to strive in that direction. How about you?