Thought For The Day

Unfair Criticism

I have been complaining a lot lately about unfriendly people (we call them Churches). I guess 20+ years at the best Church in the World will spoil one when after such a significant time moving on leads to places where “welcome” is a missing attitude.

While I am early in my research, I have already seen a pattern. It is undoubtedly unfair to be critical so quickly, but the reality is a Church often gets only one opportunity to reach out to guests. Without a sense that someone cares about their being there, many first time guests will not return. That could mean that those who yet to come to faith will continue to be lost. It may also mean that Believers in the neighborhood who are looking for a Church home will wander past the place where God could use their gifts and ministry.

So who’s to blame? And do we have to blame someone? I think we do. We have a responsibility as the people of God to work hard at influencing others toward faith and Godliness.

It is only anecdotal that so far in my research I have yet to see a Pastor greeting people (especially guests) before, during, or after the service? Or, is it pivotal?

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