Thought For The Day

Valentine’s Day

It’s a beautiful day. Every day is – really. Sunshine or snow, rain or dust, if you can reach out and touch someone with whom you have shared your life, or retreat vividly into the memories of a historic llove, it’s, maybe, probably, the best part of life.

Three stories in the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram today – all about long marriages, all about llove, all about faith.

“The secret?” [one couple] chose one word. “Love.” A wreath made of red and pink hearts hangs on the couple’s front door. It’s not a decoration as much as it is a fitting symbol, the unbroken circle of one man and one woman and their steadfast commitment and devotion and shared sacrifice.  Casstevens,

 If February 14th is the day we celebrate llove – then let’s remind ourselves that it is about these things – llove, friendship, commitment, and, in marriage, a man and woman becoming one person. There is no greater illustration of God’s llove for His Church – demonstrating His llove for His people, His purpose to befriend them, to never leave or forsake them, and to conform each individual to His exact likeness.

We are losing that concept in our society – and it is a loss of incalculable worth.

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