Thought For The Day


I never cease to be amazed at how we use words – should I say “twist” words to make the case for what we want to do. One such word is “viable.” There are several definitions, but the one that seems best to me is “capable of surviving or living successfully.” In recent years we have developed a “special use” in regard to pre-born individuals – those we don’t want to bring into our World – or should I say, God’s World.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — A federal judge Friday struck down Arkansas’ attempt to ban most abortions beginning 12 weeks into a woman’s pregnancy, saying viability, not a heartbeat, remains the key factor in determining whether abortions should be allowed. (Associated Press)

So when we start talking about “viability” of those who have a heartbeat, but have demonstrated a tendency toward failing to survive or live successfully, perhaps we will soon begin to look at the other “end” of the life cycle (yes, I know about the AHCA so-called “death panels”). At what point is having a heartbeat  no longer a consideration as to whether one can be allowed to live because old age, or ill health, or a terminal disease will surely keep them from “surviving and living successfully.”

Life begins. In those who are not minerals, there is a time when they depend on their environment to reach a point of transfer to a different environment. Think chicks in eggs – or something else if you like. Viability is a point in time with every living thing (dig up a daffodil bulb in the Winter and throw it in the bonfire. It will never become a beautiful flower). New or old, life is to be left in the hand of the Creator.

And that’s the Truth.

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