Thought For The Day

Wasting “Chump Change”

I’m going to beat this “dead horse” one more time. If you have not read my posts about this matter in the past, I don’t have time to catch you up, but suffice it to say, I hate wasting money, but more than that, I really dislike politicians who “don’t get it.”

The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram recently completed a review of the Texas State Budget which reveals “that more than $3 million was set aside in fiscal 2010 to spend on items and events promoting state programs, agencies and universities.” Now for those of us who are wondering – that’s the freebies, the give-aways designed to promote some agency or service the State provides or is involved in.

I don’t have a problem with “promotion” per se, but I get really up tight when elected officials “don’t get it.”  “In light of the overall budget, Rep. Lon Burnam, D-Fort Worth, said the $3 million earmarked for promotions in Texas in 2010 is “chump change.”

Might I be so bold, Representative Burnam, as to ask how many people could be fed with $3 million? How many teachers could be paid for another year with $3 million? I know it would only keep one or two administrators on the payroll, but I am talking about TEACHERS.

In the same article the Star-Telegram reports –  The Department of State Health Services budgeted nearly $450,000 for 2010 promotions, records show. According to Carrie Williams,  a spokesperson for the Department, “federal dollars were used on some of the promotions.”

Well, then, everything is just fine. I never mind the Feds using their “garage sale profits” to help out the States. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Does ANYONE in Government know where “chump change” comes from? You got it – the “chumps.” Does ANYONE in Government know where “Federal Funds” come from? You got it – the “chumps.”

Who said you can’t fool most of the people all of the time!!

Aren’t you glad our Heavenly Father never “fools” us. He always provides the Truth, abounding in llove. I am excited about that.

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