Thought For The Day

Watching –

I’ve been watching the “protests” around the world – from Cairo to Austin, from Libya to Wisconsin. People want things, and they are willing to give something in exchange to obtain them. Some give an hour or few – others give their life.

A few of the “demonstrators” are pursuing liberty and freedom from oppressive political regimes, others simply want their ability to extort money from tax-payers to continue uninterrupted.

The reality of life on this planet is in part recognizing that we don’t always get what we want in this life. Politically, there are winners and losers, and in some places the losers die.  In our economy (United States of America) sometimes the provider loses the ability to provide, and the circumstances of those provided for is changed forever. That is the nature of the world’s systems – and they will never change – no matter how large or long the protest.

There is a place where none of the above is a reality.  In Ephesians 4:24 the Bible says,“Put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”  In Christ the old self ceases to exist and the new self is created in the very likeness of God.

I suspect that is a comfort only to those who have experienced it. When and if the Citizens of this great Republic lose their freedoms, or when circumstances change for the negative in our daily life, there may be no peace and hope except in our understanding that we are pilgrims awaiting transport to the Kingdom where peace reigns, every need is met, every hurt is healed, and every heart is stayed upon Jehovah, Lord God of Heaven and Earth.

Watching – and waiting – as the day approaches.

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