Thought For The Day

What Next?

I am sure it’s just me. In fact, I think I have said this already, but since it keeps bothering me, I will say it again. I can never recall hearing so “much” about the President of the United States and his daily schedule as I have the past couple of years.

Shouldn’t he be working on the Budget, working with Congress on Legislation, keeping an ear and an eye on Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Mexican border, for example, rather than. . .well, whatever it is he is doing?

Why do we need him involved with the Internet? And don’t say it’s about “jobs.” He really doesn’t have anything to do with “jobs” other than helping to provide a National environment where jobs can be produced by others (unless, of course, he is hiring more staff for the White House).

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama wants nearly all Americans to have access to speedy wireless services. He’s promoting that plan in a small city in Michigan that’s becoming a model for how the Internet can bring prosperity to far-flung places. Associated Press

Mr. President: go home! Wireless service will take care of itself because there is money in it, and business loves money. Instead, figure out how we can fix the Social Security problem. Get the health care disaster resolved. Seal the borders. Find workable solutions in the Legislature and support the men and women who propose them. Hey, take counsel from Miss America and work on. . .World Peace!

I don’t mean to be critical, but we’ve only got till 2012 to get those arks built (watched that movie while stuck in the snow) and you might want to put some time in on that, sir.

Actually that is one of the thing about which I have no concern. God is going to bring the Earth to His conclusion. . .”in the fullness of time.”

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