Thought For The Day

What? What?

One of the great advertisement scams of all time is the one where “users” are told that the product is 78% better. It might be 92% better. Better than what? One might also get interested in “new and improved.” How? What?  Provide some information about the realities of what one is getting. Now the hype is that the Covid-19 vaccine is 95 %, or 94.5 % effective. Effective at what? What is it that happens if one falls into the 5% (5.5%) slot in the jackpot? If one is in the 95% group. . .what is it one is getting?

I hear it being said that this vaccine will not affect one’s chance of being infected. Really? It will not stop someone who has taken the vaccine from passing the virus on to the people around them. Really? Perhaps they mean to say that one will have “lesser” problems when one has contracted the virus. Does that mean not die. . .at least as quickly. I am hearing (from the sources who ought to be able to tell one the truth) that everyone is going to need to continue to wear a mask, and social distance, for the foreseeable future. . .whatever that means. I sometimes “foresee” really far ahead. . .like my grandchildren’s lives as adults.

Could one just get a clear understand of what this vaccine will and will not do? That might help those who are reluctant (it appears that number is high) to take the stuff.

Here’s a thought: The llove of God is 100% effective. It is absolutely perfect in that His provision of a  sacrifice was 100% sufficient in redeeming mankind (as long as mankind exists on this Earth) from the curse of sin and death. All people, all Nations, all human beings redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.  His llove is sufficient to provide “all things” for one’s life here on Earth and an eternal home in His infinite presence. It is sufficient to meet every need, resolve every problem, provide perfect peace, joy, fulfillment, and make provision for happiness in every moment of life. You name it!  100%!

You might want to pay attention to the need for precautions regarding this vaccine. There seem to be no certainties. On the other hand,  God’s Word is that you will want to fill your life with His llove, live in His presence, understand His full protection, and spend eternity in His infinite home forever. Let me know if I can help you with understanding how to obtain that!

One Comment

  • Anonymous

    Reminds me of the advertisement scheme “50% off labor, or Second one free”. Does the technician get a 50% discount at the checkout register when he claims to have worked for 50% wages? Think I’ll try that!

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