Thought For The Day

What’s It Worth

People in Minneapolis, San Francisco and other places around the Nation are asking what their house is really worth. 

 The cities with the steepest declines (in home values) from January were Minneapolis, San Francisco, Chicago and Miami. (Associated Press)

People in Arkansas and Missouri are asking what a life is worth.

Storms leave seven dead, all but wipe out town in Arkansas. (Associated Press)

Jesus said, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)

This is the time of year when we see a bit of “Nature’s fury.” We are living in an era when, for many, prosperity is a thing of the past. Whether that will change in the future is any body’s guess. In light of how quickly “stuff” can disappear, and how quickly life can be lost, would we not be wise to consider the question Jesus asked?

It is easy to get our hearts focused on Earthly things. It is not difficult to believe that we have “lots” of years left to pursue our life. Headlines speak to us of a different reality.

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