While Most Are Inattentive. . .
I’ve been “foolin’ around” in the Church of Jesus Christ for more than a few years. I never cease to be amazed how many times an event can be posted on the Church website, or printed in the Church bulletin (worship folder, for the more spiritual among us), or publicly announced in the services, only to find a multitude of folks who simply don’t know that event is happening.
Unfortunately, that seems to be a reality in the life of a significant number of American citizens. However, I guess it is not too much of a stretch to understand that the folks who don’t know what’s happening in their own Church family would have a problem with being too busy to pay attention to the collapse of our Nation, morally, economically, and politically. People keep asking me if I believe we are nearing the end of America as we have known it, and my answer continues to be, yes!
There are three things, seemingly unnoticed by the majority of citizens that make me think that.
First, morally, we have reached the place where people who profess to be Believers (members of the family of God via his saving grace) are willing to accept the word of almost anyone and everyone even when what they say stands in direct opposition to the revealed Word of God. Two examples: Scientists – from those who refuse to believe the only valid account of Creation (see Genesis 1 and following) to those who believe people will bring about the death of this planet via global warming or such foolishness, and Religious leaders – who either promote, or refuse to stand against, gross immorality sufficient to inherit the imminent judgemental wrath of God, including abortion and homosexuality (see Romans 1). God will call His people to account for their faith in the word of others at the expense of His own revelation.
Second, economically, it would appear that a significant number of citizens are not concerned that our current National leadership is selling our future for immediate political gain. Andrew Taylor, a writer for Associated Press reported today regarding the current “spending bill” (unrelated to the “stimulus” bill, and unrelated to the TARP fund), to be passed by the U. S. Congress before March 6, – “Taxpayers for Common Sense, a budget watchdog group, counted 8,570 pet projects totaling $7.7 billion inserted into the bill by lawmakers.” And, Mr.Taylor added this sobering thought, “the White House is projecting this year’s budget shortfall to be $1.5 trillion, compared with a previous record $455 billion in 2008.”
Third, politically, again it would appear that we are not cognizant that our political leaders weave a web of half-truths and lies that negate our Constitution and the personal liberty and freedoms that were purchased by our ancestors with tears, sweat, and blood. I have long since learned that the words of Will Rodgers regarding how to tell if a politician was lying (his lips are moving) are an everyday reality. I hear even the President of the United States saying he will recommend budget cuts from programs he deems wasteful, but fails to remind us that he will use that money instead for initiatives that he deems worthy, which ultimately increases the bottom line rather than decreasing it. Congressional leaders repeat again and again that they are seeking the best interest of American citizens when they demand business leaders and workers make deep cuts in their salary, bonus and perks, but do not mention that they have awarded themselves a ten percent increase in 2009.
Wake up, America. You can trust Jehovah God, Creator, Sustainer, Savior, and soon coming Judge. Beyond that, from my perspective, it’s a toss-up.