Thought For The Day

Who Gets Paid

Don’t you just love it when every day is another crisis with our Government. It kind of reminds me of “letting the lunatics run the asylum.”

If the U. S. debt limit doesn’t get raised — someone won’t get paid, and of course, it is the military personnel who are protecting our Country and the “old people” on Social Security.

Here’s my idea. Why don’t we not pay the President and the White House staff. Let hold up the salaries for the House of Representatives and the Senate. We could add the President’s Cabinet, Czars, hold up on Government junkets, ground Air Force One along with the dozens of other planes, helicopters, limos, etc. used by the White House and the contingent of same used by Congress, until things straighten out. I’d be willing to wager none of the above are living on “military wages,” or trying to live on a few hundred Social Security dollars a month in their old age. In fact, they often talk about “socking it to the rich” (which is mostly them, I think) so let’s start there instead of with those making least. Oh yes, I know the numbers won’t work, but it’s kind of a pleasant thought – isn’t it?

I am so glad I am financially dependent on my Father in Heaven rather than some Government entity. He has committed the resources of Heaven to my account and promised not only to meet all my needs, but to never leave me or forsake me, and to always be available to hear my call, my cry, my prayer, my concern.

I don’t think those other guys are even listening. (With apologies to John Boehner who wrote me a nice letter of response this week)

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