Thought For The Day

Who’s Got The Answer?

There is something going on in the World! Duh! A little unrest in the Middle East (I don’t want to be hyperbolic) and things start to happen here in the good old U.S. of A.

The average price for a gallon of regular-grade gasoline in the Fort Worth-Arlington area has climbed to $3.10, according to a report today by auto club AAA, Oil Price Information Service and Wright Express. (

There is a simple solution to this problem. Someone has the answer to why we don’t exploit our own oil reserves instead of those in Countries where the dictatorship is in jeopardy. I keep reading about oil reserves somewhere up there in the Northern Mid-West that make Saudi Arabia, Iraq. . .etc., look like comparing my bank account to the financial reserves of Bill Gates.

So why don’t we tap that? Hummm? Someone has that answer!

Of course it is not unlike the reality that the morality of our Country is going to Hell so fast one can’t see it for the dust. . .and all the while each individual Believer has the answer to the problem within the confines of his innermost being. The answer remains a mytery to many folks, however, because most folks with the answer aren’t talking.

Here’s a rather pointed question. Have you got something to say? Or, if you’re more into Biblical language, don’t you have an answer for the hope that lies within you?

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