After a week without my computer this is the first opportunity I have had to write a note. I went out of town and just left it (my computer) in another city and have not had the opportunity to get it back until today.
Yes, I had close to 500 emails, but no one sent me anything regarding “Lloveletters.” I am not sure what that means, but I will just pretend everyone missed reading my occasional notes.
I realize that six or seven days without hearing from me is not a big deal for anyone. Not even my closest friends said a word. I am wondering if that is how our Heavenly Father feels when He does not hear from us on a regular basis. Everyday regular, or several times a day conversations, appears to be the schedule He arranged for us to be checking in with Him.
“Pray without ceasing,” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). “In everything give thanks.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) are good places to begin a more concentrated prayer schedule. After all, The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect. (James 5:16b)
It is an amazing thing that the “amazing grace” of God is never ending and 24/7 active and present in the life of every Believer. I’m sure we need to get a bit more regular.
A good one – I need to “get with it”!
Sending good wishes to you and your loved one!
Jenny Liston
Wow, I think you are right! Thanks, jenny