Thought For The Day

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday was one of the best and worst days of my life. Best, in that my family celebrated with me a once-in-a-lifetime milestone. They are the greatest, kindest, most lloving people on Earth. Being with them, enjoying a fantastic meal, great music, videos of our history, and the opportunity to get lots of hugs and kisses was beyond wonderful. Worst, in recognizing that is the last time such a thing will happen, and the most wonderful years of my life, so far, are behind me. Of course, I plan to spend the next 20-30 years creating a new “most wonderful years of my life.”

Today things are not so good. Because I could sleep late, I was awake before 5am. I lost a credit card, my computers have been hi-jacked and I think I paid someone to do it, and the kitchen sink is leaking. Lunch was at Ci-Ci’s Pizza. Enough said.

So this is the future. God, naturally, since I woke up this morning, is not finished with me yet. Nor, I might add, with you. Things – places, people, situations, jobs, circumstances, finances, friendships – change. But God is not taken by surprise. He has known this day, this time, this new adventure was coming before the old adventure began. He is still out front – leading. I am still obediently following. And, like Abraham of old, I don’t know where we are going. But going we are – and the final destination, as it always has been, is the same. In-between, however, God has everything under control. No worries. No fear. No doubt. Rather, joy, peace, hope, a future prepared for us, my family and me, and all those who join us on the journey.

I am sure I am going to like this! It’s an exciting time.


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