Thought For The Day

You Said It! I Believed It!

People tend to embellish their life with their stories. It’s just a fact. When one wants to make a point, look more important, appear to be more brave, or gain more favor with hearers, and the only way to do so is to add some interesting yet incorrect details to the narrative, most are not above doing so.

Brian Williams is the latest casualty.

Williams has been under scrutiny in recent days after his tale of being in an aircraft that came under fire in Iraq in 2003, told often over the years, was disputed by military service members who were there. He apologized and recanted his story on Wednesday.  (TIME)

Hillary Clinton made exactly the same mistake. She told of her aircraft being under fire and snipers shooting from the hills when she landed in a particular country while serving as Secretary of State. Unfortunately, it proved to be untrue.

American Sniper, Kris Kyle, lost a court battle in which he was unable to defend a narrative in his autobiography saying he got into a bar fight with Jesse Ventura, which, evidently, did not happen.

I have even heard Preachers, over the years, who have made claims about their ministries (size and scope, incredible miracles along with signs and wonders) which were later discovered to be completely untrue. One would think you could trust those guys.

It’s important to tell the Truth. God is Truth. Jesus said, I am The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIFE (John 14:6 – emphasis added). Above all else we can trust that Truth. When we do, life becomes rich, rewarding, and remarkable. Those of us who follow Him need to be imitators of Christ (Ephesians 5:1) in this matter.

Just tell the Truth.

One Comment

  • dp

    Amen…the truly amazing thing is that anyone ever believed what comes out of a “brian Williams.” We know that they are constantly lying (manipulating the News) and yet some act like we did not know this from the beginning….They think they are Manipulating the “tRuth,” but as you noted Jesus is the Truth and I don’t think they are manipulating him.

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