Thought For The Day


I use my GPS when I am going somewhere, or looking for a location, new to me. It is not always the best way (as opposed to a good map), but it works for the most part. Now a company called LightSquared is building a Internet network that could interfere with GPS signals.

The problem, they say, is that sensitive satellite receivers — designed to pick up relatively weak signals coming from space — could be overwhelmed when LightSquared starts sending high-power signals from as many as 40,000 transmitters on the ground using the airwaves next door. (Associated Press)

Simply said, (as I understand it) the Internet signals would be strong enough to prohibit my GPS from working properly.

I don’t think that is necessarily a new phenomenon. For Believers, the signals from the Enemy, and the Worldliness which has such an incredibly strong presence in our lives, sometimes, perhaps more often than we would like to admit, overwhelm our purpose and plan to be conformed to the image of our Savior. The distraction of the “old way of life” keeps us from an absolute commitment to holiness.

Just as some of us might well be lost in our journey to a new neighborhood without a GPS signal, so many Believers find their walk and way confused and muddled by overpowering signals that lead them to miss the Truth of God’s revealed plan for each life.

That is not a good thing!

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