A Little Rock and Roll
Hail, high winds, tornadoes, dust storms, and the occasional flood – we’re all used to that sort of thing. But “rock and roll?”
Jessie Plumb, a registered nurse at Prague Community Hospital, [Prague, Oklahoma] said she and other staffers felt the 4.0 magnitude quake while on the second floor of the building. “It kind of gave a little bit of a shake, a little bit of rock ‘n roll,” she said by telephone. “I would say it was 20 or 25 seconds.” (Yahoo News)
Some folks read the Bible to say that these are the kind of things that are going to happen when “the end is near.” Of course, Oklahoma has had earth quakes before. And, no doubt, will again. I won’t be surprised if we get one over ‘ta my house one of these days.
Do I believe “the end is near?” Sure! There are just too many things going on that make me think God is reaching out to us with all kinds of encouragement to “seek Him while He may be found.” This World may go on for another thousand years, or it may end tomorrow. Either way, I am at peace knowing I am in His hand, and Jesus Christ is living inside me by the person and power of His Spirit.
So, I’m with the little guy (surely you remember) who says, “What? Me worry?”