Please, Say It Isn’t So!
Under inflated footballs – a common problem? According to at least one former player “all quarterbacks” do something to the balls before a game.” Surely not Roger, or Troy, or Tony! Say it isn’t so!
Meanwhile, as the under inflation takes a top billing in the “news,” the problems around our World and here at home continue to swirl and grow. Our United States Constitution (which is the “rule” for our Nation) grows more tattered and abused (easy to see in the recent SOTU address), and the primary focus of many American Citizens is whether or not the Patriots “cheated.”
While that is the nature of our Society, it is unfortunate that the Church of Jesus Christ suffers from the same affliction. Many folks get more bent out of shape about the style of music, or the oratorical skills of the Preacher, or the emphasis, or lack of same, on the financial well-being of the congregation, than on the spirituality (read: Godliness, righteousness, Christ-likeness) of the Believers.
I don’t imagine the minimally under inflated footballs will make a huge difference in the score. I am hopeful that the new Congress and, perhaps, a new Administration in the Executive Branch (in a couple of years), will help to restore the integrity of America’s founding documents. Not so with the Church. If we don’t get the focus on the right priority, we are doomed to failure in our calling from the Father. Immature Believers are unable to withstand the wiles of the Enemy. Paul discusses that matter in the final Chapter of Ephesians. (See Ephesians 6:10ff)
Read it, believe it, practice it!
what we need is under inflated politicians.