Let’s Wait A While
It will be wonderful if President Barak Obama goes down in history as one of the “great” Presidents of the United States. I probably won’t live to see what history has to say about him, but many will. I’ve visited many places that are “historic” in that they are related to one President or another. I’ve been to Mt. Vernon (home of George Washington) and I’ve been to the William J. Clinton Library in Little Rock, and a multitude of other places associated with our Presidential history. We’ll begin to see soon what history has to say about George W. Bush. I think, in the long run, it will be very good.
But some things are just foolishness. I am embarrassed that other Countries would laugh at us, but then it is most likely a world-wide phenomenon. Here’s a line from the story about a walk-in burger joint in D. C. on Politico by Andy Collier –
“Everyone from Wolfgang Puck to Usher has come to call in recent days, with many braving 2½-hour lines in sub-freezing temperatures for a chiliburger — simply because Obama had eaten there.”
Here is a man (President Obama) who is poised to do some great work, and while I doubt that he can single-handedly change the World, I might someday consider visiting his boyhood home (though I think that is in Indonesia). Up to now, I can’t imagine why there is such idolization. I don’t know of anything he has done, other than win the Presidency, and that is not something I would consider standing in line for, at least more than a minute, to eat anything. I have been to Chicago a few times. I may have walked down the same street he walked down, who knows. Who cares!
Some people have earned our respect and we are indebted to them for various reasons. Let’s praise those who are praise-worthy. He (President Obama) may be one whom we will. But it’s a bit early, don’t you think?
God has told us not to be foolish, but wise, determining what is of real value, and what is worthless. If you’re anxious to praise the One who has accomplished the greatest feat in history, the redemption of mankind through His sacrificial death, praise Jesus Christ. He is worthy!